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My brother is a university student but he doesn’t study much. When he gets up, he goes on Twitter and reads all the …………………… from people he follows. After breakfast, he writes a(n) …………………..- he usually talks about university life. He reads all the ……………………… he gets on Facebook. Then he reads and answers any ……………………….. too, but he says a lot of them are junk with adverts for things he is not interested in. He also spends time on a skateboarding ………………… talking to skaters from all over the world. In the evening we often talk on ……………… (he helps me with my homework!) When he goes out with his friends, they use WhatsApp and organize it by …………………. . So my brother does a lot of communication. The funny thing is, he’s got a mobile phone and a home phone, but he never makes any………….. .
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